


It's liberty today I don't know, but in Okinawa. We help this beautiful spot because the heel of the Dion's daughter I not heard of anyone who has witnessed a little with the gun from the spot . According to the reports, due to the equation of the American shooting me off military base, I knew he pulled Eads planned for construction.Regardless of the distance of this how do you pull it from the shore, if this friend goes ahead. We Okie no one’s are going to lose amid a beautiful piece of the scenery. 


 We already knew that the prospect of did you go owns returning to our What time was Helplessly the remote.

 As the cycle of environmental destruction and water pollution seemed endless.

 I cried,

prayers couldn’t be answered tha it was obvious that even  our most Desperate prayers be couldn’t be answered.

 I didn’t know and Okinawa free of America military bases.

 These bases exist before I was even born.

Every body experience is life-changing encounters with people. Without them, or person I’m going to talk about, I am not sure if I could exist. He would somebody food exist beyond boundaries o every body experience is life-changing encounters with people. Without them, or person I’m going to talk about, I am not sure if I could exist. He would somebody food exist beyond bound days of  I love you and mean absolutely everything to me, who had no means but to love somebody.

 Then, who asked is going to carry the burden? I cried out of hopelessness, as I knew my emotions were totally lacking any sense of responsibility. Somebody please help!! 

this dreamer is impossible. She’s  such a fool.  Xtinguish my immediately.